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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 27: March 1663-64 by Samuel Pepys
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being gone, the corpse laid out, and my wife at Mrs. Turner's, I thither,
and there after an hour's talk, we up to bed, my wife and I in the little
blue chamber, and I lay close to my wife, being full of disorder and grief
for my brother that I could not sleep nor wake with satisfaction, at last
I slept till 5 or 6 o'clock.

16th. And then I rose and up, leaving my wife in bed, and to my
brother's, where I set them on cleaning the house, and my wife coming anon
to look after things, I up and down to my cozen Stradwicke's and uncle
Fenner's about discoursing for the funeral, which I am resolved to put off
till Friday next. Thence home and trimmed myself, and then to the
'Change, and told my uncle Wight of my brother's death, and so by coach to
my cozen Turner's and there dined very well, but my wife . . . . in
great pain we were forced to rise in some disorder, and in Mrs. Turner's
coach carried her home and put her to bed. Then back again with my cozen
Norton to Mrs. Turner's, and there staid a while talking with Dr. Pepys,
the puppy, whom I had no patience to hear. So I left them and to my
brother's to look after things, and saw the coffin brought; and by and by
Mrs. Holden came and saw him nailed up. Then came W. Joyce to me half
drunk, and much ado I had to tell him the story of my brother's being
found clear of what was said, but he would interrupt me by some idle
discourse or other, of his crying what a good man, and a good speaker my
brother was, and God knows what. At last weary of him I got him away, and
I to Mrs. Turner's, and there, though my heart is still heavy to think of
my poor brother, yet I could give way to my fancy to hear Mrs. The. play
upon the Harpsicon, though the musique did not please me neither. Thence
to my brother's and found them with my mayd Elizabeth taking an inventory
of the goods of the house, which I was well pleased at, and am much
beholden to Mr. Honeywood's man in doing of it. His name is Herbert, one
that says he knew me when he lived with Sir Samuel Morland, but I have
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