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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 29: June/July 1664 by Samuel Pepys
page 45 of 59 (76%)
Lord Chancellor's business of the timber; he telling me freely that my
Lord Chancellor was never so angry with him in all his life, as he was for
this business, in great passion; and that when he saw me there, he knew
what it was about. And plots now with me how we may serve my Lord, which
I am mightily glad of; and I hope together we may do it. Thence to
Westminster to my barber's, to have my Periwigg he lately made me cleansed
of its nits, which vexed me cruelly that he should put such a thing into
my hands. Here meeting his mayd Jane, that has lived with them so long, I
talked with her, and sending her of an errand to Dr. Clerk's, did meet
her, and took her into a little alehouse in Brewers Yard, and there did
sport with her, without any knowledge of her though, and a very pretty
innocent girl she is. Thence to my Lord Chancellor's, but he being busy I
went away to the 'Change, and so home to dinner. By and by comes Creed,
and I out with him to Fleet Street, and he to Mr. Povy's, I to my Lord
Chancellor's, and missing him again walked to Povy's, and there saw his
new perspective in his closet. Povy, to my great surprise and wonder, did
here attacque me in his own and Mr. Bland's behalf that I should do for
them both for the new contractors for the victualling of the garrison.
Which I am ashamed that he should ask of me, nor did I believe that he was
a man that did seek benefit in such poor things. Besides that he
professed that he did not believe that I would have any hand myself in the
contract, and yet here declares that he himself would have profit by it,
and himself did move me that Sir W. Rider might join, and Ford with
Gauden. I told him I had no interest in them, but I fear they must do
something to him, for he told me that those of the Mole did promise to
consider him. Thence home and Creed with me, and there he took occasion
to owne his obligations to me, and did lay down twenty pieces in gold upon
my shelf in my closett, which I did not refuse, but wish and expected
should have been more. But, however, this is better than nothing, and now
I am out of expectation, and shall henceforward know how to deal with him.
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