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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
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and here my wife and I did sing to my great content. And then to the
garden, and there eat many grapes, and took some with us and so away
thence, exceeding well satisfied, though not to that degree that, by my
old esteem of the house, I ought and did expect to have done, the
situation of it not pleasing me. Here we parted with Lowther and his
friends, and away to Cambridge, it being foul, rainy weather, and there
did take up at the Rose, for the sake of Mrs. Dorothy Drawwater, the
vintner's daughter, which is mentioned in the play of Sir Martin Marrall.
Here we had a good chamber, and bespoke a good supper; and then I took my
wife, and W. Hewer, and Willet, it holding up a little, and shewed them
Trinity College and St. John's Library, and went to King's College Chapel,
to see the outside of it only; and so to our inne, and with much pleasure
did this, they walking in their pretty morning gowns, very handsome, and I
proud to find myself in condition to do this; and so home to our lodging,
and there by and by, to supper, with much good sport, talking with the
Drawers concerning matters of the town, and persons whom I remember, and
so, after supper, to cards; and then to bed, lying, I in one bed, and my
wife and girl in another, in the same room, and very merry talking
together, and mightily pleased both of us with the girl. Saunders, the
only violin in my time, is, I hear, dead of the plague in the late plague

9th. Up, and got ready, and eat our breakfast; and then took coach: and
the poor, as they did yesterday, did stand at the coach to have something
given them, as they do to all great persons; and I did give them
something: and the town musique did also come and play: but, Lord! what
sad music they made! However, I was pleased with them, being all of us in
very good humour, and so through the town, and observed at our College of
Magdalene the posts new painted, and understand that the Vice-Chancellor'
is there this year. And so away for Huntingdon mightily pleased all along
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