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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
page 18 of 49 (36%)

12th. Up, and eat our breakfast, and set out about nine o'clock, and so
to Barnett, where we staid and baited, the weather very good all day and
yesterday, and by five o'clock got home, where I find all well; and did
bring my gold, to my heart's content, very safe home, having not this day
carried it in a basket, but in our hands: the girl took care of one, and
my wife another bag, and I the rest, I being afraid of the bottom of the
coach, lest it should break, and therefore was at more ease in my mind
than I was yesterday. At home we find that Sir W. Batten's burial was
to-day carried from hence, with a hundred or two of coaches, to
Walthamstow, and there buried. Here I hear by Mr. Pierce the surgeon; and
then by Mr. Lewes, and also by Mr. Hater, that the Parliament hath met on
Thursday last, and adjourned to Monday next. The King did make them a
very kind speech, promising them to leave all to them to do, and call to
account what and whom they pleased; and declared by my Lord Keeper how
many, thirty-six, actes he had done since he saw them; among others,
disbanding the army, and putting all Papists out of employment, and
displacing persons that had managed their business ill, that the
Parliament is mightily pleased with the King's speech, and voted giving
him thanks for what he said and hath done; and, among things, would by
name thank him for displacing my Lord Chancellor, for which a great many
did speak in the House, but it was opposed by some, and particularly Harry
Coventry, who got that it should be put to a Committee to consider what
particulars to mention in their thanks to the King, saying that it was too
soon to give thanks for the displacing of a man, before they knew or had
examined what was the cause of his displacing. And so it rested; but this
do shew that they are and will be very high; and Mr. Pierce do tell me
that he fears, and do hear, that it hath been said among them, that they
will move for the calling my Lord Sandwich home, to bring him to account;
which do trouble me mightily; but I trust it will not be so. Anon comes
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