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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
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violins--and vocall; an English song upon Peace. But, God forgive me! I
never was so little pleased with a concert of musick in my life. The
manner of setting of words and repeating them out of order, and that with
a number of voices, makes me sick, the whole design of vocall musick being
lost by it. Here was a great press of people; but I did not see many
pleased with it, only the instrumental musick he had brought by practice
to play very just. So thence late in the dark round by the wall home by
coach, and there to sing and sup with my wife, and look upon our pretty
girle, and so to bed.

2nd. Up, and very busy all the morning, upon my accounts of Tangier, to
present to the Commissioners of the Treasury in the afternoon, and the
like upon the accounts of the office. This morning come to me Mr. Gawden
about business, with his gold chain about his neck, as being Sheriffe of
the City this year. At noon to the Treasury Office again, and there dined
and did business, and then by coach to the New Exchange, and there met my
wife and girl, and took them to the King's house to see "The Traytour,"
which still I like as a very good play; and thence, round by the wall,
home, having drunk at the Cock ale-house, as I of late have used to do,
and so home and to my chamber to read, and so to supper and to bed.

3rd. Up, and going out of doors, I understand that Sir W. Batten is gone
to bed on a sudden again this morning, being struck very ill, and I
confess I have observed him for these last two months to look very ill and
to look worse and worse. I to St. James's (though it be a sitting day) to
the Duke of York, about the Tangier Committee, which met this morning, and
he come to us, and the Charter for the City of Tangier was read and the
form of the Court Merchant. That being done Sir W. Coventry took me into
the gallery, and walked with me an hour, discoursing of Navy business, and
with much kindness to, and confidence in, me still; which I must endeavour
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