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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
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Street to Sir G. Carteret and Lord Bruncker, and there dined with them,
and thence after dinner with Bruncker to White Hall, where the Duke of
York is now newly come for this winter, and there did our usual business,
which is but little, and so I away to the Duke of York's house, thinking
as we appointed, to meet my wife there, but she was not; and more, I was
vexed to see Young (who is but a bad actor at best) act Macbeth in the
room of Betterton, who, poor man! is sick: but, Lord! what a prejudice it
wrought in me against the whole play, and everybody else agreed in
disliking this fellow. Thence home, and there find my wife gone home;
because of this fellow's acting of the part, she went out of the house
again. There busy at my chamber with Mr. Yeabsly, and then with Mr.
Lewes, about public business late, and so to supper and to bed.

17th. Up, and being sent for by my Lady Batten, I to her, and there she
found fault with my not seeing her since her being a widow, which I
excused as well as I could, though it is a fault, but it is my nature not
to be forward in visits. But here she told me her condition, which is
good enough, being sole executrix, to the disappointment of all her
husband's children, and prayed my friendship about the accounts of the
prizes, which I promised her. And here do see what creatures widows are
in weeping for their husbands, and then presently leaving off; but I
cannot wonder at it, the cares of the world taking place of all other
passions. Thence to the office, where all the morning busy, and at noon
home to dinner, where Mr. John Andrews and his wife come and dined with
me, and pretty merry we were, only I out of humour the greatest part of
the dinner, by reason that my people had forgot to get wine ready, I
having none in my house, which I cannot say now these almost three years,
I think, without having two or three sorts, by which we were fain to stay
a great while, while some could be fetched. When it come I begun to be
merry, and merry we were, but it was an odd, strange thing to observe of
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