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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
page 27 of 49 (55%)
and he, and I, and Willet to the King's house, and saw "Brenoralt," which
is a good tragedy, that I like well, and parted after the play, and so
home, and there a little at my office, and so to my chamber, and spent
this night late in telling over all my gold, and putting it into proper
bags and my iron chest, being glad with my heart to see so much of it here
again, but cannot yet tell certainly how much I have lost by Gibson in his
journey, and my father's burying of it in the dirt. At this late, but did
it to my mind, and so to supper and to bed.

19th. At the office all the morning, where very busy, and at noon home to
a short dinner, being full of my desire of seeing my Lord Orrery's new
play this afternoon at the King's house, "The Black Prince," the first
time it is acted; where, though we come by two o'clock, yet there was no
room in the pit, but we were forced to go into one of the upper boxes, at
4s. a piece, which is the first time I ever sat in a box in my life. And
in the same box come, by and by, behind me, my Lord Barkeley [of Stratton]
and his lady; but I did not turn my face to them to be known, so that I
was excused from giving them my seat; and this pleasure I had, that from
this place the scenes do appear very fine indeed, and much better than in
the pit. The house infinite full, and the King and Duke of York was
there. By and by the play begun, and in it nothing particular but a very
fine dance for variety of figures, but a little too long. But, as to the
contrivance, and all that was witty (which, indeed, was much, and very
witty), was almost the same that had been in his two former plays of
"Henry the 5th" and "Mustapha," and the same points and turns of wit in
both, and in this very same play often repeated, but in excellent
language, and were so excellent that the whole house was mightily pleased
with it all along till towards the end he comes to discover the chief of
the plot of the play by the reading of along letter, which was so long and
some things (the people being set already to think too long) so
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