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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
page 37 of 49 (75%)
do deserve to lie upon him. Thence to Mrs. Martin's, and there staid till
two o'clock, and drank and talked, and did give her L3 to buy my
goddaughter her first new gowne . . . . and so away homeward, and in
my way met Sir W. Pen in Cheapside, and went into his coach, and back
again and to the King's playhouse, and there saw "The Black Prince" again:
which is now mightily bettered by that long letter being printed, and so
delivered to every body at their going in, and some short reference made
to it in heart in the play, which do mighty well; but, when all is done, I
think it the worst play of my Lord Orrery's. But here, to my great
satisfaction, I did see my Lord Hinchingbroke and his mistress, with her
father and mother; and I am mightily pleased with the young lady, being
handsome enough--and, indeed, to my great liking, as I would have her. I
could not but look upon them all the play; being exceeding pleased with my
good hap to see them, God bring them together! and they are now already
mighty kind to one another, and he is as it were one of their family. The
play done I home, and to the office a while, and then home to supper, very
hungry, and then to my chamber, to read the true story, in Speed, of the
Black Prince, and so to bed. This day, it was moved in the House that a
day might be appointed to bring in an, impeachment against the Chancellor,
but it was decried as being irregular; but that, if there was ground for
complaint, it might be brought to the Committee for miscarriages, and, if
they thought good, to present it to the House; and so it was carried.
They did also vote this day thanks to be given to the Prince and Duke of
Albemarle, for their care and conduct in the last year's war, which is a
strange act; but, I know not how, the blockhead Albemarle hath strange
luck to be loved, though he be, and every man must know it, the heaviest
man in the world, but stout and honest to his country. This evening late,
Mr. Moore come to me to prepare matters for my Lord Sandwich's defence;
wherein I can little assist, but will do all I can; and am in great fear
of nothing but the damned business of the prizes, but I fear my Lord will
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