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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
page 42 of 49 (85%)
way the book of the collection of oaths in the several offices of this
nation, which is worth a man's reading, and so away home, and there my boy
and I to sing, and at it all the evening, and to supper, and so to bed.
This evening come Sir J. Minnes to me, to let me know that a
Parliament-man hath been with him, to tell him that the Parliament intend
to examine him particularly about Sir W. Coventry's selling of places, and
about my Lord Bruncker's discharging the ships at Chatham by ticket: for
the former of which I am more particularly sorry that that business of
[Sir] W. Coventry should come up again; though this old man tells me, and,
I believe, that he can say nothing to it.

28th. Up, and by water to White Hall (calling at Michell's and drank a
dram of strong water, but it being early I did not see his wife), and
thence walked to Sir W. Coventry's lodging, but he was gone out, and so
going towards St. James's I find him at his house which is fitting for
him; and there I to him, and was with him above an hour alone, discoursing
of the matters of the nation, and our Office, and himself. He owns that he
is, at this day, the chief person aymed at by the Parliament--that is, by
the friends of my Lord Chancellor, and also by the Duke of Albemarle, by
reason of his unhappy shewing of the Duke of Albemarle's letter, the other
day, in the House; but that he thinks that he is not liable to any hurt
they can fasten on him for anything, he is so well armed to justify
himself in every thing, unless in the old business of selling places, when
he says every body did; and he will now not be forward to tell his own
story, as he hath been; but tells me he is grown wiser, and will put them
to prove any thing, and he will defend himself: besides that, he will
dispute the statute, thinking that it will not be found to reach him. We
did talk many things, which, as they come into my mind now, I shall set
down without order: that he is weary of public employment; and neither
ever designed, nor will ever, if his commission were brought to him wrapt
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