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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
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when I come home I did find my wife, and Betty Turner, the two Mercers,
and Mrs. Parker, an ugly lass, but yet dances well, and speaks the best of
them, and W. Batelier, and Pembleton dancing; and here I danced with them,
and had a good supper, and as merry as I could be, and so they being gone
we to bed.

31st. Up, and all the morning at the office, and at noon Mr. Creed and
Yeabsly dined with me (my wife gone to dine with Mrs. Pierce and see a
play with her), and after dinner in comes Mr. Turner, of Eynsbury, lately
come to town, and also after him Captain Hill of the "Coventry," who lost
her at Barbadoes, and is come out of France, where he hath been long
prisoner. After a great deal of mixed discourse, and then Mr. Turner and
I alone a little in my closet, talking about my Lord Sandwich (who I hear
is now ordered by the King to come home again), we all parted, and I by
water, calling at Michell's, and saw and once kissed su wife, but I do
think that he is jealous of her, and so she dares not stand out of his
sight; so could not do more, but away by water to the Temple, and there,
after spending a little time in my bookseller's shop, I to Westminster;
and there at the lobby do hear by Commissioner Pett, to my great
amazement, that he is in worse condition than before, by the coming in of
the Duke of Albemarle's and Prince Rupert's Narratives' this day; wherein
the former do most severely lay matters upon him, so as the House this day
have, I think, ordered him to the Tower again, or something like it; so
that the poor man is likely to be overthrown, I doubt, right or wrong, so
infinite fond they are of any thing the Duke of Albemarle says or writes
to them! I did then go down, and there met with Colonel Reames and cozen
Roger Pepys; and there they do tell me how the Duke of Albemarle and the
Prince have laid blame on a great many, and particularly on our Office in
general; and particularly for want of provision, wherein I shall come to
be questioned again in that business myself; which do trouble me. But my
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