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Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 2 by Charlotte Mary Yonge
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his cause in other hands, and that he could not exist anywhere but
close to the scene of action.

Captain Hannaford was smoking in his demi-boat, and gave his former
lodgers a hearty welcome, but he twinkled knowingly with his eye, and
so significantly volunteered to inform them that the ladies were
still at Beauchastel, that James's wrath at the old skipper's
impudence began to revive, and he walked off to the remotest end of
the garden.

The Captain, remaining with Louis, with whom he was always on far
more easy terms, looked after the other gentleman, winked again, and
confessed that he had suspected one or other of them might be coming
that way this summer, though he could not say he had expected to see
them both together.

'Mind, Captain,' said Louis,' it wasn't _I_ that made the boat late
this time last year.'

'Well! I might be wrong, I fancied you cast an eye that way. Then
maybe it ain't true what's all over the place here.'

Louis pressed to hear what. 'Why, that when the French were going on
like Robert Spear and them old times, he had convoyed the young lady
right through the midst of them, and they would both have been shot,
if my Lady's butler hadn't come down with a revolver, killed half-a-
dozen of the mob, and rescued them out of it, but that Lord
Fitzjocelyn had been desperately wounded in going back to fetch her
bracelet, and Mr. Delaford had carried him out in his arms.'

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