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A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia by Thomas Hariot
page 1 of 46 (02%)
[Redactor's comments: This is the 7-bit ASCII version. The Report is the
1590 de Brys edition in the Library of Congress. Italics are indicated by
bracketed 'quotes'.]

A Briefe and True Report ... by Thomas Hariot

A briefe and true report
of the new found land of Virginia,
'of the commodities and of the nature and man
ners of the naturall inhabitants: Discouered by
the English Colony there seated by' Sir Richard
Greinuile Knight' 'In the yeere 1585. Which rema
=ined vnder the gouernment of twelue monethes,
At the speciall charge and direction of the Honou=
rable' SIR WALTER RALEIGH Knight, 'lord Warden
of the stanneries Who therein hath beene fauoured
and authorised by her' MAIESTIE
':and her letters patents:
This fore booke Is made in English
By Thomas Hariot; seruant to the abouenamed
Sir' WALTER, 'a member of the Colony, and there
imployed in discouering.'


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