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A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia by Thomas Hariot
page 10 of 46 (21%)

'Pitch, Tarre, Rozen, and Turpentine.'

There are those kindes of trees which yeelde them abundantly and great
store. In the very same Iland where wee were seated, being fifteene
miles of length, and fiue or sixe miles in breadth, there are fewe trees
els but of the same kind; the whole Iland being full. [Sassafras.]


Sassafras, called by the inhabitantes Winauk, a kinde of wood of most
pleasand and sweete smel; and of most rare vertues in phisick for the
cure of many diseases. It is found by experience to bee farre better and
of more vses then the wood which is called Guaiacum, or Lignum vita. For
the description, the manner of vsing and the manifolde vertues thereof,
I referre you to the booke of Monardus, translated and entituled in
English, The ioyfull newes from the West Indies.


Cedar, a very sweet wood & fine timber; whereof if nests of chests be
there made, or timber therof fitted for sweet & fine bedsteads, tables,
or deskes, lutes, virginalles & many things else, (of which there hath
beene proofe made already) to make vp fraite with other principal
commodities will yeeld profite.


There are two kinds of grapes that the soile doth yeeld naturally: the
one is small and sowre of the ordinarie bignesse as ours in England: the
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