The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance by Marie Corelli
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page 9 of 476 (01%)
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imperfect object,--a creature who, having strong limbs, declines to
use the same, or who, possessing incalculable wealth, crazily considers himself a pauper. Jesus Christ, whom we may look upon as a human Incarnation of Divine Thought, an outcome and expression of the 'Word' or Law of God, came to teach us our true position in the scale of the great Creative and Progressive Purpose,--but in the days of His coming men would not listen,--nor will they listen even now. They say with their mouths, but they do not believe with their hearts, that He rose from the dead,--and they cannot understand that, as a matter of fact, He never died. seeing that death for Him (as for all who have mastered the inward constitution and commingling of the elements) was impossible. His real LIFE was not injured or affected by the agony on the Cross, or by His three days' entombment; the one was a torture to His physical frame, which to the limited perception of those who watched Him 'die,' as they thought, appeared like a dissolution of the whole Man,--the other was the mere rest and silence necessary for what is called the 'miracle' of the Resurrection, but which was simply the natural rising of the same Body, the atoms of which were re-invested and made immortal by the imperishable Spirit which owned and held them in being. The whole life and so-called 'death' of Christ was and is a great symbolic lesson to mankind of the infinite power of THAT within us which we call SOUL,--but which we may perhaps in these scientific days term an eternal radio-activity,--capable of exhaustless energy and of readjustment to varying conditions. Life is all Life. There is no such thing as Death in its composition,-- and the intelligent comprehension of its endless ways and methods of change and expression, is the Secret of the Universe. It appears to be generally accepted that we are not to know this |