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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 133 of 490 (27%)
"Let's make haste round the corner," the girl said, "and get into
the restaurant. You must have some supper with me."

"I should be very happy, had I a penny in my pocket."

"See how easily good deeds are forgotten," returned the other,
laughing in the old way. "Now comes my turn to give proof of
generosity. Come and have some supper all the same."

"No; that's out of the question."

"Fiddlestick Surely you won't desert me when I ask your protection?
Come along, and pay me back another time, if you like."

They walked round the corner, then the girl started and ran at her
full speed. Waymark followed in the same way, somewhat oppressed by
a sense of ridiculousness. They reached the shelter of the
restaurant, and the girl led the way upstairs, laughing

Supper was served to them, and honoured with due attention by both.
Waymark had leisure to observe his companion's face in clearer
light. It was beautiful, and, better still, full of character.

He presently bent forward to her, and spoke in a low voice.

"Isn't this the man who followed us just coming in now? Look, he has
gone to the table on the right."

She looked round hastily, and shuddered, for she had met the man's
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