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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 139 of 490 (28%)
forgotten entirely that he had been carrying the volume about with
him since morning.

"What's that?" asked the girl. "Will you let me look? Is it a tale?
Lend it me; will you?"

"Do you read books?"

"Oh yes; why not? Let me keep this till you come again. Is this your
name written here--Osmond Waymark?"

"Yes. And what is your name?"

"Ida Starr."

"Ida? That's a beautiful name. I was almost afraid to ask you, for
fear it should be something common."

"And why shouldn't I have a common name?"

"Because you are by no means a common girl."

"You think not? Well, perhaps you are right. But may I keep the book
till I see you again?"

"I had better give it you, for it isn't very likely you will see me

"Why not?"

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