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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 148 of 490 (30%)
in the huge limbs, and his voice had lost nothing of its resonant

"Ah!" he exclaimed, as Waymark entered. "You! I've been wondering
where you were to be found."

The visitor held out his hand, and Abraham, though he did not rise,
smiled not unpleasantly as he gave his own.

"You wanted to see me?" Waymark asked.

"Well, yes. I suppose you've come about the mines."

"Mines? What mines?"

"Oh, then you haven't come about them. You didn't know the Llwg
Valley people have begun to pay a dividend?"

Waymark remembered that one of his father's unfortunate speculations
had been the purchase of certain shares in some Welsh mines. The
money thus invested had remained, for the last nine years, wholly
unproductive. Mr. Woodstock explained that things were looking up
with the company in question, who had just declared a dividend of 4
per cent. on all their paid-up shares.

"In other words," exclaimed Waymark eagerly, "they owe me some

"Which you can do with, eh?" said Abraham, with a twinkle of
good-humoured commiseration in his eye.
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