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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 158 of 490 (32%)

Julian Casti was successful in his application for the post of
dispenser at the All Saints' Hospital, and shortly after Easter he
left the shop in Oxford Street, taking lodgings in Beaufort Street,
Chelsea. His first evening there was spent in Waymark's company, and
there was much talk of the progress his writing would make, now that
his hours of liberty were so considerably extended. For the first
time in his life he was enjoying the sense of independence. Waymark
talked of moving from Walcot Square, in order to be nearer to his
friend. He, too, was possessed of more freedom than had been the
case for a long time, and his head was full of various fancies. They
would encourage each other in their work, afford by mutual
appreciation that stimulus which is so essential to the young

But in this world, though man may propose, it is woman who disposes.
And at this moment, Julian's future was being disposed of in a
manner he could not well have foreseen.

Harriet Smales had heard with unconcealed pleasure of his leaving
the shop and taking lodgings of his own. She had been anxious to
come and see the rooms, and, though the following Sunday was
appointed for her visit, she could not wait so long, but, to her
cousin's surprise, presented herself at the house one evening, and
was announced by the landlady, who looked suspicious. Julian, with
some nervousness, hastened to explain that the visitor was a
relative, which did not in the least alter his landlady's
preconceived ideas. Harriet sat down and looked about her with a
sigh of satisfaction. If she could but have such a home! Girls had
no chance of getting on as men did. If only her father could have
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