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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 193 of 490 (39%)


"Fifty pounds."

"I don't care about the value. It's the kindness. You couldn't have
given me anything, either, that would have delighted me so much."

"All right; keep it, and there's an end of the matter. And what do
you do with yourself all day, eh? I didn't think it very likely I
should find you in."

"I'm writing a novel."

"H'm. Shall you get anything for it?"

"Can't say. I hope so."

"Look here. Why don't you go in for politics?"

"Neither know nor care anything about them."

"Would you like to go into Parliament?"

"Wouldn't go if every borough in England called upon me to-morrow?"

"Why not?"

"Plainly, I think myself too good for such occupation. If you once
succeed in getting _outside_ the world, you have little desire to go
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