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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 199 of 490 (40%)
"Indeed? Well, I'm glad to hear it. I dare say you'll be better

"Oh, I say,--you know your friend?"

"The Irishman?"


"What about him?" asked the other, smiling as he looked into the
girl's pretty face.

"Well," said Sally, "I don't mind you telling un where I live now,
--if you like.--Look, there's the address on that paper; you can
take it."

"Oh, I see. In point of fact, you _wish_ me to tell him?"

"Oh, I don't care. I dessay he don't want to know anything about I.
But you can if you like."

"I will be sure to, and no doubt he will be delighted. He's been
growing thin since I told him you declined to renew his

"Oh, don't talk! And now I must be off. Good-bye. I dessay I shall
see you sometimes?"

"Without doubt. We'll have another Sunday at Richmond soon.
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