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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 42 of 490 (08%)



When Ida Starr was dismissed from school it wanted but a few days to
the vacations. The day which followed her mother's removal to the
hospital was Christmas Eve. For two hours on the afternoon of
Christmas Day, Ida sat in silence by the bedside in the ward,
holding her mother's hand. The patient was not allowed to speak,
seemed indeed unable to do so. The child might not even kiss her.
The Sister and the nurse looked pityingly at Ida when they passed
by, and, when the visitors' time was at an end, and she had to rise
and go, the Sister put an orange into her hand, and spoke a few
hopeful words.

Night was setting in as she walked homewards; it was cold, and the
sky threatened snow. She had only gone a few yards, when there came
by a little girl of her own age, walking with some one who looked
like a nurse-maid. They were passing; but all at once the child
sprang to Ida's side with a cry of recognition. It was little Maud

"Where have you been, Ida? Where are you going? Oh, I'm so glad; I
wanted so to see you. Miss Rutherford told us you'd left school, and
you weren't coming back again. Aren't you really? And sha'n't I see
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