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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 51 of 490 (10%)
ignored, though never in a manner which made her feel that she was
treated unkindly. There was nothing like confidence between them;
only in care for her bodily wants did Miss Bygrave fill the place of
the mother whose affection the child had never known. Maud crossed
her hands on her lap, and looked up with respectful attention upon
her pale sweet little face.

"Do you wonder at all," Miss Bygrave went on, "why we never spend
Christmas like your friends do in their homes, with eating and
drinking and all sorts of merriment?"

"Yes, aunt, I do."

It was evidently the truth, and given with the simple directness
which characterised the child.

"You know what Christmas Day means, Maud?"

"It is the day on which Christ was born."

"And for what purpose did Christ come as a child on earth?"

Maud thought for a moment. She had never had any direct religious
teaching; all she knew of these matters was gathered from her
regular attendance at church. She replied in a phrase which had
rested in her mind, though probably conveying little if any meaning
to her.

"He came to make us free from sin."

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