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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 60 of 490 (12%)
been a little wooden-head. What made you behave like that to him?--
Where does he live, eh?"

"I don't know."

"You do know. Why, I heard him say you'd been to see him. And what
are you going to do, I'd like to know? You dont expect me to keep
you, I s'pose. Tell me at once where the gentleman lives, and let me
take you there. The idea of your turning against your own father!"

"He's _not_ my father!" cried Ida passionately. "My father is dead;
and now mother's dead, and I'm alone." She turned and went from the
room, weeping bitterly.



In a morning newspaper of March 187--, that is to chapter, appeared a
singular advertisement.

"WANTED, human companionship. A young man of four-and-twenty wishes
to find a congenial associate of about his own age. He is a student
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