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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 64 of 490 (13%)
gnawed in intense thought or strong feeling. In the cheeks no
healthy colour, but an extreme sallowness on all the features.
Smiling, he showed imperfect teeth. Altogether, a young man upon
whom one felt it difficult to pronounce in the earlier stages of
acquaintance; whose intimacy but few men would exert themselves to
seek; who in all likelihood was chary of exhibiting his true self
save when secure of being understood.

Julian Casti was timid with strangers; his eyes fell before the
other's look, and he shook hands without speaking. The contrast in
mere appearance between the two was very pronounced; both seemed in
some degree to be aware of it. Waymark seemed more rugged than in
ordinary companionship; the slightly effeminate beauty of Casti, and
his diffident, shyly graceful manners, were more noticeable than
usual. Waymark inspected his visitor closely and directly; the
latter only ventured upon one or two quick side glances. Yet the
results were, on the whole, mutually satisfactory.

Julian's eyes glistened at the sight of two goodly bookcases,
reaching from floor to ceiling. There were, too, pictures of other
than the lodging-house type; engraved heads of the great in art and
science, and a few reproductions in pencil or chalk of known
subjects, perchance their possessor's own work. On the table lay
traces of literary occupation, sheets of manuscript, open books, and
the like. On another table stood a tray, with cups and saucers. A
kettle was boiling on the fire.

Waymark helped the conversation by offering a cup of coffee, which
he himself made.

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