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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 7 of 490 (01%)
as confirmatory evidence, and the culprit had accordingly received
an imposition. Her spleen, thus aroused, Harriet vented upon the
other girl, who, she maintained, ought to have stoutly denied the
possibility of the alleged deceit, and so have saved her. She gave
poor Ida no rest, and her persecution had culminated this afternoon;
she began to "call Ida's mother names," the result of which was that
the assailed one suddenly snatched up her slate, and, in an
uncontrollable fit of passion, struck her tormentor a blow with it
upon the forehead.

"What did she call Ida's mother?" inquired Miss Rutherford, all at
once changing her look curiously.

"She called her a bad woman."

"Was that all?"

"No, please, Miss Rutherford," put in Maud eagerly. "She said she
got her living in the streets. And it isn't true. Ida's mother's a
lady, and doesn't sell things in the streets!"

The teacher looked down and was silent.

"I don't think I need ask any more questions," she said presently.
"Run away home all of you. What is it, my dear?"

Maud, she was about eleven, and small for her age, had remained
behind, and was looking anxiously up into Miss Rutherford's face.

"May I wait for Ida, please," she asked, "and--and walk home with
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