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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 80 of 490 (16%)
thoughts away from their incessant object, hers, elf.

They were back again at the end of Gray's Inn Road by half-past

"Well, I won't keep you," said Harriet, with the sour smile. "I know
you're in a hurry to be off. Are you going to walk?"

"Yes; I can do it in about an hour."

The girl turned away without further leave-taking, and Julian walked
southwards with a troubled face.

Waymark expected him to tea. At this, their third meeting, the two
were already on very easy terms. Waymark did the greater share of
the talking, for Julian was naturally of fewer words; from the
beginning it was clear that the elder of the friends would have the
initiative in most things. Waymark unconsciously displayed something
of that egoism which is inseparable from force of character, and to
the other this was far from disagreeable; Julian liked the novel
sensation of having a strong nature to rely upon. Already he was
being led by his natural tendency to hero-worship into a fervid
admiration for his friend.

"What have you' been doing with yourself this fine day?" Waymark
asked, as they sat down to table.

"I always spend Sunday afternoon with a cousin of mine," replied
Julian, with the unhesitating frankness which was natural to him.

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