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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 92 of 490 (18%)
"Miss Enderby. You've seen her, have you?"

"I caught a glimpse of her as she came downstairs; it was quite
enough; she floored me. She's never been out of my thoughts for a
minute since I saw her. 'I love her, I love her, and who shall dare,
to chide me for loving that teacher fair!'"

"Well, yes," said Waymark, "she has a tolerable face; seems to me a
long way too good to be teaching those unlicked cubs. The dragon
wasn't too civil to her, though it was the first day."

"Not civil to her? If I were present, and heard that woman breathe
the slight eat incivility, I'd--"

He broke off in the midst of his vehemence with a startled look
towards the door.

"Mr. Egger," he exclaimed, "a song; I beg, a song. Come, I'll lead

'Miss Enderby hath a beaming eye'--

Bah! I'm not in voice to-night."

Egger was persuaded to sit down to the piano. It was a mournful
instrument, reduced to discordant wheeziness by five-finger
exercises, but the touch of the Swiss could still evoke from it some
kind of harmony. He sang a Volkslied, and in a way which showed that
there was poetry in the man's nature, though his outward appearance
gave so little promise of it. His voice was very fair, and well
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