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Hira Singh : when India came to fight in Flanders by Talbot Mundy
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Singh's, was to defy the very nth degree of odds. To have tried to
tell the tale otherwise than in Hira Singh's own words would have
been to varnish gold. Amid the echoes of the roar of the guns in
Flanders, the world is inclined to overlook India's share in it all
and the stout proud loyalty of Indian hearts. May this tribute to
the gallant Indian gentlemen who came to fight our battles serve to
remind its readers that they who give their best, and they who take,
are one.

T. M.

One hundred Indian troops of the
British Army have arrived at Kabul,
Afghanistan, after a four months'
march from Constantinople. The men
were captured in Flanders by the
Germans and were sent to Turkey in the
hope that, being Mohammedans, they
might join the Turks. But they
remained loyal to Great Britain and
finally escaped, heading for Afghanistan.
They now intend to join their
regimental depot in India, so it
is reported.

New York Times, July, 1915

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