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A Woman of Thirty by Marjorie Allen Seiffert
page 16 of 85 (18%)
I hold you fast, your hurrying breath,
Your wandering feet, your restless heart,
Are mine alone, for only death
You vowed today, can make us part.

Your eager lips, athirst to drain
Life's goblet of its golden wine
Shall drink tonight or thirst in vain--
I hold you fast for you are mine.

And when I search your soul until
I see too deeply and divine
That you can never love me--Still
I hold you fast for you are mine!

Evening: the Taj Mahal
(A Lover Speaks)


India and you
Breathe through my soul tonight,
You in your gown, impossibly white--
I marvel greatly that it fail
To glow and pale
With iridescent light--
How can it hang in silent nun-like folds?
Think of the flaming mystery it holds,
You... You...

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