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A Woman of Thirty by Marjorie Allen Seiffert
page 41 of 85 (48%)
And one was I.

Bravely the Blind One led,
I questioned from behind
"Tell me, where do we go?" She said
"Have courage... I am blind!"

We came at last to a cliff,
The Blind One plunged, and was gone--
I looked behind me, stark and stiff
The Old One stood in the dawn.

The deep crevasse was black
Beneath the dawning day,
I could not turn and travel back,
The Old One barred the way.

I could not turn aside,
(To lead, one dare not see)
I think that day I must have died
Such silence is in me.

The Last Illusion

Along the twilight road I met three women,
And they were neither old nor very young;
In her hands each bore what she most cherished,
For they were neither rich, nor very poor.

In the hands of the first woman
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