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A Woman of Thirty by Marjorie Allen Seiffert
page 52 of 85 (61%)


At first in dreams
I pressed you so close
That you melted away on my breast,
But now I wait, breathless and motionless,
Till I feel your slender arms caress me
Like swallows blown against me
And quickly flown.


Small flower,
My body is the earth from which you sprang,
But we are more to each other than earth and flower,
Closer, even, than earth and flower,
For the sky in me is one with the sky in you...

My love for you
Is like sunlight shining in a quiet place,
You shall feel my love like soft light
Pouring about you.


I will not kiss you,
For my kisses are a chain without an end;
Nor take you in my arms,
My arms would smother you against my breast;
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