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A Woman of Thirty by Marjorie Allen Seiffert
page 80 of 85 (94%)

A Womanly Woman

You sit, a snug, warm kitten
Blinking through the window
At a storm-haunted world--

Sleet wind caterwauls
Through icy trees,
Which clack their hands at you

Why should you leave
Radiator and rubber-plant?
Do people stand at attention to mourn a hero
When they behold
A frozen kitten
In a gutter?

Lolita Now Is Old

Lolita now is old,
She sits in the park, watching the young men pass
And huddles her shawl against the cold.

One night last summer when the moon was red,
Lolita, hearing an old song sung
And amorous laughter down the street
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