Town and Country; or, life at home and abroad, without and within us by John S. (John Stowell) Adams
page 46 of 440 (10%)
page 46 of 440 (10%)
BEAR UP. BEAR up, bear up, though Poverty may press thee, There's not a flower that's crushed that does not shed, While bowing low, its fragrance forth to bless thee, At times, more sweet than when it raised its head; When sunlight gathered round it, When dews of even crowned it, By nature nursed, and watched, and from its bounty fed Bear up, bear up! O, never yield nor falter! God reigneth ever, merciful and just; If thou despairest, go thou to his altar, Rest on his arm, and in his promise trust. There Hope, bright Hope, will meet thee; There Joy, bright Joy, shall greet thee; And thou shalt rise to thrones on high from out the dust. |