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Three Sermons: I. on mutual subjection. II. on conscience. III. on the trinity by Jonathan Swift
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the toil and labour of the week. Now in all this, the worst
circumstance is that these persons are such whose company is most
required, and who stand most in need of a physician.

Secondly, Men's great neglect and contempt of preaching appear by
their misbehaviour when at church.

If the audience were to be ranked under several heads, according to
their behaviour when the Word of God is delivered, how small a
number would appear of those who receive it as they ought! How much
of the seed then sown would be found to fall by the wayside, upon
stony ground, or among thorns! and how little good ground would
there be to take it! A preacher cannot look round from the pulpit
without observing that some are in a perpetual whisper, and by their
air and gesture give occasion to suspect that they are in those very
minutes defaming their neighbour. Others have their eyes and
imagination constantly engaged in such a circle of objects, perhaps
to gratify the most unwarrantable desires, that they never once
attend to the business of the place; the sound of the preacher's
words do not so much as once interrupt them. Some have their minds
wandering among idle, worldly, or vicious thoughts; some lie at
catch to ridicule whatever they hear, and with much wit and humour,
provide a stock of laughter by furnishing themselves from the
pulpit. But of all misbehaviour, none is comparable to that of
those who come here to sleep. Opium is not so stupefying to many
persons as an afternoon sermon. Perpetual custom hath so brought it
about that the words of whatever preacher become only a sort of
uniform sound at a distance, than which nothing is more effectual to
lull the senses. For that it is the very sound of the sermon which
bindeth up their faculties is manifest from hence, because they all
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