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Three Sermons: I. on mutual subjection. II. on conscience. III. on the trinity by Jonathan Swift
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This is certainly not to be allowed in Christian eloquence, and
therefore St. Paul took quite the other course. He "came not with
the excellency of words, or enticing speech of men's wisdom, but in
plain evidence of the Spirit and power." And perhaps it was for
that reason the young man Eutychus, used to the Grecian eloquence,
grew tired and fell so fast asleep.

I go on, thirdly, to set forth the great evil of this neglect and
scorn of preaching, and to discover the real causes whence it

I think it is obvious that this neglect of preaching hath very much
occasioned the great decay of religion among us. To this may be
imputed no small part of that contempt some men bestow on the
clergy, for whoever talketh without being regarded is sure to be
despised. To this we owe in a great measure the spreading of
atheism and infidelity among us, for religion, like all other
things, is soonest put out of countenance by being ridiculed. The
scorn of preaching might perhaps have been at first introduced by
men of nice ears and refined taste, but it is now become a spreading
evil through all degrees and both sexes; for, since sleeping,
talking, and laughing are qualities sufficient to furnish out a
critic, the meanest and most ignorant have set up a title, and
succeeded in it as well as their betters. Thus are the last efforts
of reforming mankind rendered wholly useless. "How shall they
hear," saith the Apostle, "without a preacher?" But if they have a
preacher, and make it a point of wit or breeding not to hear him,
what remedy is left? To this neglect of preaching we may also
entirely impute that gross ignorance among us in the very principles
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