The Merry Devil by Shakespeare (spurious and doubtful works)
page 16 of 91 (17%)
page 16 of 91 (17%)
provided clean chamber-pots. Via, they come!
[Enter Sir Richard Mounchesney, Sir Raph Jerningham, young Frank Jerningham, Raymond Mounchesney, Peter Fabell, and Bilbo.] HOST. The destinies be most neat Chamberlains to these swaggering puritans, knights of the subsidy. SIR MOUNCHESNEY. God a mercy, good mine host. SIR JERNINGHAM. Thanks, good host Blague. HOST. Room for my case of pistolles, that have Greek and Latin bullets in them; let me cling to your flanks, my nimble Giberalters, and blow wind in your calves to make them swell bigger. Ha, I'll caper in mine own fee-simple; away with puntillioes and Orthography! I serve the good Duke of Norfolk. Bilbo, Titere tu, patulae recubans sub tegmine fagi. BILBO. Truly, mine host, Bilbo, though he be somewhat out of fashion, will be your only blade still. I have a villanous sharp stomach to slice a breakfast. HOST. |