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Rise of the Dutch Republic, the — Volume 24: 1576-77 by John Lothrop Motley
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[Cabrera, xii. 1009. An absurd rumor had existed that Barbara
Blomberg had only been employed to personate Don John's mother. She
died at an estate called Arronjo de Molinos, four leagues from
Madrid, some years after the death of Don John.]

Whatever might be the heart of the mystery, it is certain that it was
allowed to enwrap all the early life of Don John. The Emperor, who
certainly never doubted his responsibility for the infant's existence,
had him conveyed instantly to Spain, where he was delivered to Louis
Quixada, of the Imperial household, by whom he was brought up in great
retirement at Villa-garcia. Magdalen Ulloa, wife of Quixada, watched
over his infancy with maternal and magnanimous care, for her husband's
extreme solicitude for the infant's welfare had convinced her that he was
its father. On one occasion, when their house was in flames, Quixada
rescued the infant before he saved his wife, "although Magdalen knew
herself to be dearer to him than the apple of his eye." From that time
forth she altered her opinion, and believed the mysterious child to be of
lofty origin. The boy grew up full of beauty, grace, and agility, the
leader of all his companions in every hardy sport. Through the country
round there were none who could throw the javelin, break a lance, or ride
at the ring like little Juan Quixada. In taming unmanageable horses he
was celebrated for his audacity and skill. These accomplishments,
however, were likely to prove of but slender advantage in the
ecclesiastical profession, to which he had been destined by his Imperial
father. The death of Charles occurred before clerical studies had been
commenced, and Philip, to whom the secret had been confided at the close
of the Emperor's life, prolonged the delay thus interposed. Juan had
already reached his fourteenth year, when one day his supposed father
Quixada invited him to ride towards Valladolid to see the royal hunt.
Two horses stood at the door--a splendidly caparisoned charger and a
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