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Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane by Calamity Jane
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careful, we would have lost horses and all. Then we had many
dangers to encounter in the way of streams swelling on account
of heavy rains. On occasions of that kind the men would usually
select the best places to cross the streams, myself on more than
one occasion have mounted my pony and swam across the
stream several times merely to amuse myself and have had
many narow escapes from having both myself and pony washed
away to certain death, but as the pioneers of those days had
plenty of courage we overcame all obstacles and reached
Virginia City in safety.

Mother died at Black Foot, Montana, 1866, where we
buried her. I left Montana in Spring of 1866, for Utah, arriving
at Salt Lake city during the summer. Remained in Utah until
1867, where my father died, then went to Fort Bridger,
Wyoming Territory, where we arrived May 1, 1868, then went
to Piedmont, Wyoming, with U.P. Railway. Joined General
Custer as a scout at Fort Russell, Wyoming, in 1870, and
started for Arizona for the Indian Campaign. Up to this time I
had always worn the costume of my sex. When I joined Custer I
donned the uniform of a soldier. It was a bit awkward at first
but I soon got to be perfectly at home in men's clothes.

Was in Arizona up to the winter of 1871 and during that
time I had a great many adventures with the Indians, for as a
scout I had a great many dangerous missions to perform and
while I was in many close places always succeeded in getting
away safely for by this time I was considered the most reckless
and daring rider and one of the best shots in the western
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