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The Natural History of Wiltshire by John Aubrey
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useful and important as Plot's "Staffordshire" and "Oxfordshire";
Burton's "Leicestershire"; Morton's "Northamptonshire"; Philipott's
"Kent"; or any others of its literary predecessors or contemporaries.
It could not have failed to produce useful results to the county it
describes; as it was calculated to promote inquiry, awaken curiosity,
and plant seeds which might have produced a rich and valuable harvest
of Topography.

Aubrey justly complained of the apathy which prevailed in his time
amongst Wiltshire men towards such topics ; and, notwithstanding the
many improvements that have since been made in general science,
literature, and art, I fear that the gentry and clergy of the county
do not sufficiently appreciate the value and utility of local history;
otherwise the Wiltshire Topographical Society would not linger for
want of adequate and liberal support. Aubrey, Bishop Tanner, Henry
Penruddocke Wyndham, Sir Richard Colt Hoare, and the writer of this
address, have successively appealed to the inhabitants of the county
to produce a history commensurate to its wealth and extent, and also
to the many and varied objects of importance and interest which belong
to it: but, alas ! all have failed, and I despair of living to see
my native county amply and satisfactorily elucidated by either one
or more topographers.

By the formation of the Society already mentioned, by writing and
superintending this volume and other preceding publications, and by
various literary exertions during the last half century, I have
endeavoured to promote the cause of Topography in Wiltshire ; and in
doing so have often been encouraged by your sympathy and support. For
this I am bound to offer you the expression of my very sincere thanks;
and with an earnest wish that you may speedily complete your
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