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US Presidential Inaugural Addresses by Various
page 128 of 440 (29%)
their wives and children. But eighty years ago our population was
confined on the west by the ridge of the Alleghanies. Within that
period - within the lifetime, I might say, of some of my hearers - our
people, increasing to many millions, have filled the eastern valley of
the Mississippi, adventurously ascended the Missouri to its
headsprings, and are already engaged in establishing the blessings of
self-government in valleys of which the rivers flow to the Pacific. The
world beholds the peaceful triumphs of the industry of our emigrants.
To us belongs the duty of protecting them adequately wherever they may
be upon our soil. The jurisdiction of our laws and the benefits of our
republican institutions should be extended over them in the distant
regions which they have selected for their homes. The increasing
facilities of intercourse will easily bring the States, of which the
formation in that part of our territory can not be long delayed, within
the sphere of our federative Union. In the meantime every obligation
imposed by treaty or conventional stipulations should be sacredly

In the management of our foreign relations it will be my aim to observe
a careful respect for the rights of other nations, while our own will
be the subject of constant watchfulness. Equal and exact justice should
characterize all our intercourse with foreign countries. All alliances
having a tendency to jeopard the welfare and honor of our country or
sacrifice any one of the national interests will be studiously avoided,
and yet no opportunity will be lost to cultivate a favorable
understanding with foreign governments by which our navigation and
commerce may be extended and the ample products of our fertile soil, as
well as the manufactures of our skillful artisans, find a ready market
and remunerating prices in foreign countries.

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