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US Presidential Inaugural Addresses by Various
page 36 of 440 (08%)
every reliance not placed on the military resources of the nation.

These resources are amply sufficient to bring the war to an honorable
issue. Our nation is in number more than half that of the British
Isles. It is composed of a brave, a free, a virtuous, and an
intelligent people. Our country abounds in the necessaries, the arts,
and the comforts of life. A general prosperity is visible in the public
countenance. The means employed by the British cabinet to undermine it
have recoiled on themselves; have given to our national faculties a
more rapid development, and, draining or diverting the precious metals
from British circulation and British vaults, have poured them into
those of the United States. It is a propitious consideration that an
unavoidable war should have found this seasonable facility for the
contributions required to support it. When the public voice called for
war, all knew, and still know, that without them it could not be
carried on through the period which it might last, and the patriotism,
the good sense, and the manly spirit of our fellow-citizens are pledges
for the cheerfulness with which they will bear each his share of the
common burden. To render the war short and its success sure, animated
and systematic exertions alone are necessary, and the success of our
arms now may long preserve our country from the necessity of another
resort to them. Already have the gallant exploits of our naval heroes
proved to the world our inherent capacity to maintain our rights on one
element. If the reputation of our arms has been thrown under clouds on
the other, presaging flashes of heroic enterprise assure us that
nothing is wanting to correspondent triumphs there also but the
discipline and habits which are in daily progress.

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