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US Presidential Inaugural Addresses by Various
page 52 of 440 (11%)
peace, which happily still exists. Our peace with the power with whom
we had been engaged had also been concluded. The war between Spain and
the colonies in South America, which had commenced many years before,
was then the only conflict that remained unsettled. This being a
contest between different parts of the same community, in which other
powers had not interfered, was not affected by their accommodations.

This contest was considered at an early stage by my predecessor a civil
war in which the parties were entitled to equal rights in our ports.
This decision, the first made by any power, being formed on great
consideration of the comparative strength and resources of the parties,
the length of time, and successful opposition made by the colonies, and
of all other circumstances on which it ought to depend, was in strict
accord with the law of nations. Congress has invariably acted on this
principle, having made no change in our relations with either party.
Our attitude has therefore been that of neutrality between them, which
has been maintained by the Government with the strictest impartiality.
No aid has been afforded to either, nor has any privilege been enjoyed
by the one which has not been equally open to the other party, and
every exertion has been made in its power to enforce the execution of
the laws prohibiting illegal equipments with equal rigor against both.

By this equality between the parties their public vessels have been
received in our ports on the same footing; they have enjoyed an equal
right to purchase and export arms, munitions of war, and every other
supply, the exportation of all articles whatever being permitted under
laws which were passed long before the commencement of the contest; our
citizens have traded equally with both, and their commerce with each
has been alike protected by the Government.

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