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US Presidential Inaugural Addresses by Various
page 61 of 440 (13%)
movement in all its branches will exhibit such a degree of order and
harmony as to command the admiration and respect of the civilized world.

Our physical attainments have not been less eminent. Twenty-five years
ago the river Mississippi was shut up and our Western brethren had no
outlet for their commerce. What has been the progress since that time?
The river has not only become the property of the United States from
its source to the ocean, with all its tributary streams (with the
exception of the upper part of the Red River only), but Louisiana, with
a fair and liberal boundary on the western side and the Floridas on the
eastern, have been ceded to us. The United States now enjoy the
complete and uninterrupted sovereignty over the whole territory from
St. Croix to the Sabine. New States, settled from among ourselves in
this and in other parts, have been admitted into our Union in equal
participation in the national sovereignty with the original States. Our
population has augmented in an astonishing degree and extended in every
direction. We now, fellow-citizens, comprise within our limits the
dimensions and faculties of a great power under a Government possessing
all the energies of any government ever known to the Old World, with an
utter incapacity to oppress the people.

Entering with these views the office which I have just solemnly sworn
to execute with fidelity and to the utmost of my ability, I derive
great satisfaction from a knowledge that I shall be assisted in the
several Departments by the very enlightened and upright citizens from
whom I have received so much aid in the preceding term. With full
confidence in the continuance of that candor and generous indulgence
from my fellow-citizens at large which I have heretofore experienced,
and with a firm reliance on the protection of Almighty God, I shall
forthwith commence the duties of the high trust to which you have
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