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US Presidential Inaugural Addresses by Various
page 70 of 440 (15%)
barbarians. Some diversity of opinion has prevailed with regard to the
powers of Congress for legislation upon objects of this nature. The
most respectful deference is due to doubts originating in pure
patriotism and sustained by venerated authority. But nearly twenty
years have passed since the construction of the first national road was
commenced. The authority for its construction was then unquestioned. To
how many thousands of our countrymen has it proved a benefit? To what
single individual has it ever proved an injury? Repeated, liberal, and
candid discussions in the Legislature have conciliated the sentiments
and approximated the opinions of enlightened minds upon the question of
constitutional power. I can not but hope that by the same process of
friendly, patient, and persevering deliberation all constitutional
objections will ultimately be removed. The extent and limitation of the
powers of the General Government in relation to this transcendently
important interest will be settled and acknowledged to the common
satisfaction of all, and every speculative scruple will be solved by a
practical public blessing.

Fellow-citizens, you are acquainted with the peculiar circumstances of
the recent election, which have resulted in affording me the
opportunity of addressing you at this time. You have heard the
exposition of the principles which will direct me in the fulfillment of
the high and solemn trust imposed upon me in this station. Less
possessed of your confidence in advance than any of my predecessors, I
am deeply conscious of the prospect that I shall stand more and oftener
in need of your indulgence. Intentions upright and pure, a heart
devoted to the welfare of our country, and the unceasing application of
all the faculties allotted to me to her service are all the pledges
that I can give for the faithful performance of the arduous duties I am
to undertake. To the guidance of the legislative councils, to the
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