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US Presidential Inaugural Addresses by Various
page 78 of 440 (17%)
shall see our internal trade burdened with numberless restraints and
exactions; communication between distant points and sections obstructed
or cut off; our sons made soldiers to deluge with blood the fields they
now till in peace; the mass of our people borne down and impoverished
by taxes to support armies and navies, and military leaders at the head
of their victorious legions becoming our lawgivers and judges. The loss
of liberty, of all good government, of peace, plenty, and happiness,
must inevitably follow a dissolution of the Union. In supporting it,
therefore, we support all that is dear to the freeman and the

The time at which I stand before you is full of interest. The eyes of
all nations are fixed on our Republic. The event of the existing crisis
will be decisive in the opinion of mankind of the practicability of our
federal system of government. Great is the stake placed in our hands;
great is the responsibility which must rest upon the people of the
United States. Let us realize the importance of the attitude in which
we stand before the world. Let us exercise forbearance and firmness.
Let us extricate our country from the dangers which surround it and
learn wisdom from the lessons they inculcate.

Deeply impressed with the truth of these observations, and under the
obligation of that solemn oath which I am about to take, I shall
continue to exert all my faculties to maintain the just powers of the
Constitution and to transmit unimpaired to posterity the blessings of
our Federal Union. At the same time, it will be my aim to inculcate by
my official acts the necessity of exercising by the General Government
those powers only that are clearly delegated; to encourage simplicity
and economy in the expenditures of the Government; to raise no more
money from the people than may be requisite for these objects, and in a
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