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US Presidential Inaugural Addresses by Various
page 83 of 440 (18%)
but must be a measure of redress for injuries sustained, voluntarily
resorted to by th ose who were to bear the necessary sacrifice, who
would consequently feel an individual interest in the contest, and
whose energy would be commensurate with the difficulties to be
encountered. Actual events have proved their error; the last war, far
from impairing, gave new confidence to our Government, and amid recent
apprehensions of a similar conflict we saw that the energies of our
country would not be wanting in ample season to vindicate its rights.
We may not possess, as we should not desire to poss ess, the extended
and ever-ready military organization of other nations; we may
occasionally suffer in the outset for the want of it; but among
ourselves all doubt upon this great point has ceased, while a salutary
experience will prevent a contrary opini on from inviting aggression
from abroad.

Certain danger was foretold from the extension of our territory, the
multiplication of States, and the increase of population. Our system
was supposed to be adapted only to boundaries comparatively narrow.
These have been widened beyon d conjecture; the members of our
Confederacy are already doubled, and the numbers of our people are
incredibly augmented. The alleged causes of danger have long surpassed
anticipation, but none of the consequences have followed. The power and
influence of the Republic have arisen to a height obvious to all
mankind; respect for its authority was not more apparent at its ancient
than it is at its present limits; new and inexhaustible sources of
general prosperity have been opened; the effects of distance ha ve been
averted by the inventive genius of our people, developed and fostered
by the spirit of our institutions; and the enlarged variety and amount
of interests, productions, and pursuits have strengthened the chain of
mutual dependence and formed a circ le of mutual benefits too apparent
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