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US Presidential Inaugural Addresses by Various
page 85 of 440 (19%)
interference with it in the States where it exists." I submitted also
to my fellow-citizens, with fullness and frankness, the reasons which
led me to this determination. The result authorizes me to believe that
they have been approved and are confided in by a majority of the people
of the United States, including those whom they most immediately
affect. It now onl y remains to add that no bill conflicting with these
views can ever receive my constitutional sanction. These opinions have
been adopted in the firm belief that they are in accordance with the
spirit that actuated the venerated fathers of the Republic, an d that
succeeding experience has proved them to be humane, patriotic,
expedient, honorable, and just. If the agitation of this subject was
intended to reach the stability of our institutions, enough has
occurred to show that it has signally failed, and th at in this as in
every other instance the apprehensions of the timid and the hopes of
the wicked for the destruction of our Government are again destined to
be disappointed. Here and there, indeed, scenes of dangerous excitement
have occurred, terrifying instances of local violence have been
witnessed, and a reckless disregard of the consequences of their
conduct has exposed individuals to popular indignation; but neither
masses of the people nor sections of the country have been swerved from
their devoti on to the bond of union and the principles it has made
sacred. It will be ever thus. Such attempts at dangerous agitation may
periodically return, but with each the object will be better
understood. That predominating affection for our political system wh
ich prevails throughout our territorial limits, that calm and
enlightened judgment which ultimately governs our people as one vast
body, will always be at hand to resist and control every effort,
foreign or domestic, which aims or would lead to overthrow our

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