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On Picket Duty, and Other Tales by Louisa May Alcott
page 40 of 114 (35%)

"Of course we did; and mother is probably freezing her blessed nose
off watching for us; so don't disappoint her, Bopp. It's all
settled, the sleigh's at the door, and here's your coat; so, come

Dick was a fine sample of young America in its best aspect, and
would have said "How are you?" to Louis Napoleon if he had been at
hand, and have done it so heartily that the great Frenchman would
have found it hard to resist giving as frank an answer. Therefore no
wonder that Mr. Bopp surrendered at once; for the young gentleman
took possession of him bodily, and shook him into his coat with an
amiable impetuosity which developed a sudden rent in the well-worn
sleeve thereof, and caused an expression of dismay, to dawn upon the
owner's countenance.

"Beg pardon; never mind; mother'll sew you up in two seconds, and
your overcoat will hide the damage. Where is it? I'll get it, and
then we'll be off."

Mr. Bopp colored distressfully, looked up, looked down, and then
straight into the lad's face, saying simply,--

"Thank you; I haf no coat but one."

Dick opened his eyes, and was about opening his mouth also, for the
exit of some blunderingly good-natured reply, when a warning poke
from his sister restrained him, while Dolly, with the innocent
hypocrisy which is as natural to some women as the art of tying
bows, said, as she led the way out,--
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