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On Picket Duty, and Other Tales by Louisa May Alcott
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Faust for you, but I haf no time, no purse for a dress, so I throw
this on, and run up for a hour or two. Where is--who is all these
people? Do you know them?"

The one with the Pope, Fra Diavolo; the telegraph, and two knights
asking her to dance, is Dolly, if that's what you want to know. Go
in and keep it up, Bopp, while you can; I am off for Fan;" and
Mephistopheles departed over the banisters with a weird agility that
delighted the beholders; while the gray friar stole into a corner
and watched the pink domino for half an hour, at the end of which
time his regards were somewhat confused by discovering that there
were two pink damsels so like that he could not tell which was the
one pointed out by Dick and which the new-comer.

"She thinks I will not know her, but I shall go now and find out for
myself;" and, starting into sudden activity, the gray brother strode
up to the nearest pink lady, bowed, and offered his arm. With a
haughty little gesture of denial to several others, she accepted it,
and they joined the circle of many-colored promenaders that eddied
round the hall. As they went, Mr. Bopp scrutinized his companion,
but saw only a slender figure shrouded from head to foot, and the
tip of a white glove resting on his arm.

"I will speak; then her voice will betray her," he thought,
forgetting that his own was undisguisable.

"Madame, permit me that I fan you, it is so greatly warm."

A fan was surrendered with a bow, and the masked face turned fully
toward his own, while the hood trembled as if its wearer laughed
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