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On Picket Duty, and Other Tales by Louisa May Alcott
page 62 of 114 (54%)

"Now don't be cross, dear, but tell me all about it, for I don't
understand how you allowed him to monopolize Fan so."

"Oh, don't bother, I'm sleepy."

"No you're not; you look wicked; I know you've been in mischief, and
I insist upon hearing all about it, so come and 'fess' this

Dolly proceeded to enforce her command by pulling away his pillow
and dragging her brother into a sitting posture in spite of his
laughing resistance and evident desire to exhaust her patience; for
Dick excelled in teasing, and kept his sister in a fidget from
morning till night, with occasional fits of penitence and petting
which lasted till next time. Therefore, though dying to 'fess,' he
was undecided as to the best method of executing that task in the
manner most aggravating to his listener and most agreeable to
himself, and sat regarding her with twinkling eyes, and his curly
pate in a high state of rumple, trying to appear innocently meek,
but failing signally.

"Now, then, up and tell," commanded Dolly.

"Well, if you won't take my head off till I'm done, I'll tell you
the best joke of the season. Are you sure the pink domino with Bopp
wasn't yourself,--for she looked and acted very like you?"

"Of course I am. I didn't even know he was there, and think it very
rude and ungentlemanly in him not to come and speak to me. You know
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